Interview: Doc STRANGE

Interview: Doc STRANGE

How does your cultural background influence your daily life and decision-making?

I come from working class Black America, specifically small-town Texas. My mother is from Detroit originally. So I came up with classic upbringing, which makes me lean toward conservative, sensible decisions. I have a risk-taking sensibility I balance with all that. I stay out the way, but still achieve my way.

What does wellness mean to you, and how do you prioritize it in your daily life?
I means a lot. It centers my day and fuels my drive. If you do not feel good, how can you get anything productive done? It’s all connected.

Are there specific wellness rituals or practices that you swear by for maintaining balance and harmony?

I have been working out and meditating consistently since 2008. The key word is “wellness”. I’m not trying to be the buffest guy in the room. I just want to look good in some clothes. I just want to live a long life without overwhelming illness. So minimizing unhealthy eating and maintaining a meditation practice has given me the closest thing I can call harmony.

Describe your relationship with food. Are you a foodie, a health enthusiast, or a bit of both?

Well, I have held Executive Chef, Sous Chef and Bar Manager positions over the past 15 years. More consistent money and benefits than being an underground rapper. So, naturally I have a deep relationship with food. It has sustained me mind, body and soul. I have a love /hate relationship with it, though. Every other day you are finding out something ain’t good for you. Pretty soon we are all just going to have make it off air.

Do you have a favorite cuisine or dish that holds a special place in your heart?

I can eat Mexican food every day. Seriously. I love that style of cuisine. Traditional southern soul food is also a constant.

Are you a sports enthusiast, and if so, which sports do you follow or participate in?

I’m an NBA enthusiast. I played basketball coming up and I respect the dedication it takes to be an athlete. I never exceled as a hooper, but I for sure love the sport.

Do you have a favorite sports team or athlete that you passionately support I’m a Dallas Mavericks fan fully. I’m in the building. I’ve been courtside and in the suites. That has been my squad since the 90’s.

What’s your all-time favorite movie, and what about it resonates with you?

It changes day to day. I love so many movies, it just depends on my mood. For today, I would say Blade Runner. Because, beneath the sci fi and action, it’s about humanity. It’s about what ties all of us together.

Do you have a preferred movie genre, or do you enjoy exploring a variety of genres?

Blaxploitation, documentaries, classic adult films, sci fi, 70’s grindhouse, I’m all over the place. Variety is the rule with me.

Can you recall a film that has had a significant influence on your perspective or outlook on life?

Spike Lee’s “Malcolm X” for sure. I saw it 3 times in the theatre when I was a kid. I had already read a lot about brother Malcolm and the movie just solidified my awareness. It came out during a time when I was very impressionable and had a good impact on me.

What is your favorite album of all time?

Just like the movie question, it depends on my mood. It depends on the day, man. For today I would say Slum Village “Fantastic Vol. 2” That’s on the rap tip. “Sign of the Times” from Prince is just an all-around masterpiece. Those are tops for me. Tomorrow I might say “Motor Booty Affair” from Parliament. I just depends on the mood.

Tell us about your latest project

“Ya’ll Still Can’t Rhyme Like This” is a tribute to the Southwest influence in me. I feel like with all the 50 years of Hip Hop talk the Bay, Texas, Louisiana, several places got overlooked for their impact on the culture. You would think only LA and NY had rappers, period. So that was the soul of the record, letting that channel of influence shine through. It’s funky, raw and polished all at the same time.