Interview: Hope Easton

Interview: Hope Easton

How does your cultural background influence your daily life and decision-making?

Well my cultural background is a working one and one of creativity. My parents lived through WW 2 as teenagers, so as a Jewish person they were definitely effected by that time. Not sure how it goes into my decision making, but Im always interested in having work ( especially as a musician with no particular income other than the one I create), so that effects my life I guess quite a bit.

What does wellness mean to you, and how do you prioritize it in your daily life?

Wellness means health of mind. I believe the mind is the most powerful tool and the thoughts and things we say to ourselves are probably the most important aspect of our overall health. Of course eating well sleeping well and being active help too.

Are there specific wellness rituals or practices that you swear by for maintaining balance and harmony?

I started meditating everyday and I love it. I also chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and it is definitely the King of the Mantras.

Describe your relationship with food. Are you a foodie, a health enthusiast, or a bit of both?

I love healthy food and Im lucky I have a boyfriend who is a gourmand, as well as an amazing chef. Otherwise I would be eating like a bird.

Do you have a favorite cuisine or dish that holds a special place in your heart?

Pasta seems to be my favorite right now. Any kind!

Are you a sports enthusiast, and if so, which sports do you follow or participate in?

I was a gymnast as a kid and it is definitely my all time favorite sport. I do believe back in the day the gymnasts were more elegant, it wasn’t only how many flips you can do.

Do you have a favorite sports team or athlete that you passionately support?

Sports team, no. But I did do an Anheisur-Busch commercial for the Super bowl.
What’s your all-time favorite movie, and what about it resonates with you? Wizard of Oz. It is full of everything metaphysical as well as great music.

Do you have a preferred movie genre, or do you enjoy exploring a variety of genres?

I do enjoy comedy. Genre is hard to say. I kind of like everything . But I definitely do not like Horror.

Can you recall a film that has had a significant influence on your perspective or outlook on life?

I just saw Mulholland Drive, and that was really psychologically fascinating and left a big impression on me, especially since it has a lot of LA in it. Were I live.

What is your favorite album of all time?

I loved Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Elton John, George Michael’s Faith. Michael Jackson Off the Wall. They are all on par of favorites.

Tell us about your latest project

I have two new tunes that tI am getting ready to record. One is a piano tune I wrote for my niece who got married called 3 D Life. And the other is a cello tune about Timelines.