Interview: Kat Orlando

Interview: Kat Orlando

How does your cultural background influence your daily life and decision-making?

I think the way I used to play as a child had a lot to do with the path I chose I suppose in an indirect way. For instance I use to set up a blanket and pretend that was my house or my space. I compare this to when we set up our stage to perform music in small spaces. I also used to make play magazines and pretend I was on the phone. I never started the magazine but I always had an eye for graphics and art in general.

What does wellness mean to you, and how do you prioritize it in your daily life?
Now it’s more important than ever. With my age and the schedule I keep, I have to be in good shape.

Are there specific wellness rituals or practices that you swear by for maintaining balance and harmony?

I walk on my off days. I’m trying to keep up with stretches that help with a sciatic nerve situation, plus doing all the maintenence for my voice, with acid reflux and whatever allergies that may be affecting it.

Describe your relationship with food. Are you a foodie, a health enthusiast, or a bit of both?

I like to eat just as much as anybody but I try not put to much emphasis on it. Our culture and society makes it so everything we do revolves around it. It’s fun but you can easily rely on it for pleasure. Hence, I never became a great cook partially because of that and fear of getting fat.

Do you have a favorite cuisine or dish that holds a special place in your heart?

Anthing choclate.

Are you a sports enthusiast, and if so, which sports do you follow or participate in?

I’m not much into team sports in general. I like more solitary things or joining a few friends for acitivities like kayaking, roller blading and horseback riding (it’s been too long).

Do you have a favorite sports team or athlete that you passionately support?

The Detroit Lions are doing very well right now and my husband is planning around the current excitement.

What’s your all-time favorite movie, and what about it resonates with you?

There are many but ok, the one the comes to mind is the original Color Purple. I can relate because I survived an abusive first marriage.

Do you have a preferred movie genre, or do you enjoy exploring a variety of genres?

I like comedies, some drama, love stories. I’m a documentary nut, especially about musicians or actors.

Can you recall a film that has had a significant influence on your perspective or outlook on life?

Like the above answer, any film where the main character overcomes adversity or other character trying to keep them down.

What is your favorite album of all time?

Too many… but “Low Spark of High Heeled Boys” by Traffic was very influential.

Tell us about your latest project

My latest EP “Mindset” is a 4 song collection. There are two of my songs, a Rick James influenced dance tune about whether a love interest is for real or not, a social commentary rocker about how the invidividual’s behavior can influence the current and future state of events. Two of my versions of other artists songs are from the 60s: Donovan and the Turtles.