Interview: Jen Ambrose

Interview: Jen Ambrose

How does your cultural background influence your daily life and decision-making?
I am second and third generation American of Sicilian, Eastern and Northern European descent.

My Mom’s parents emigrated from Sicily along with their extended families. They both worked in factories in Upstate New York which afforded them the opportunity to buy their modest house and one car. My Nana then worked as an Italian cook – her passion – until her late 70’s when she had to stop due to Dementia.

On my Dad’s side, my Grandfather was born in Czechoslovakia and my Grandmother was born in New York City of French, Spanish and English parents. When she was 3, her mother died and she was sent to be raised in a convent. After my Grandfather died early from and old war injury, my Grandma began her own business in real estate which my Dad and Uncle later joined. She worked in the family business – her passion – until she was in her lat 80s.

Each of my grandmothers instilled in me a love of family and a commitment towards working hard to build a dream. My dedication to music has been and is influenced by the way each of grandmothers worked hard to build their dreams. These women were also very dedicated to their families. Every day I make choices in how I create a balance between my relationship to my family and my music career. I feel my cultural background, my connection to my past fortifies me in everything I do in my life. I am very thankful for this.

One other aspect of my cultural background that should be mentioned is my love of food! I was fortunate to be raised on my Mom’s incredible Italian cooking. Food was love, a celebration, and a time for family and sharing My passion for food came straight from my Sicilian roots and influence what food I buy, food I grow and what I eat. When I am able to be home, sharing dinner with my husband is really important to me.

What does wellness mean to you, and how do you prioritize it in your daily life?
For me, wellness is when I have a sense of ease in my body and clarity of mind. I feel most whole when I drink plenty of water, eat solid meals, move my body and give myself time and space to create. Taking long walk, especially in the woods, always helps me to feel alive.

My first priority is a solid breakfast (high in protein works best for me). This keeps my energy steady throughout the day, especially when life gets busy. Setting aside time to practice or write music keeps my mind and spirit nourished and soothes my emotions. Ending the night with some yoga or Tai Chi brings a great close to my day.

Are there specific wellness rituals or practices that you swear by for maintaining balance and harmony?
I feel most balanced and strong when I do these things every day:

~Breath of Fire in the morning when I wake helps open my lungs and energizes my day
~Take a daily walk or jog of 3-5 miles
~Eat a balanced organic diet
~Drinking plenty of clean water (ideally warm)
~Cold rinse after a hot shower
~Practice or write music
~Practice my vocal exercises daily
~Neti pot each night
~Yoga or Tai Chi for about 20 minutes before bed

Sometimes I don’t have the opportunity to do each of these practices every day, but each of these practices really helps to sustain me!

Describe your relationship with food. Are you a foodie, a health enthusiast, or a bit of both?
Yes and yes! I am definitely a foodie and a health enthusiast. To me, both go hand in hand. I am fortunate to live in a region that has a very thriving local, organic food culture. One of my favorite things to do is visit the local Grower’s Market on Saturdays. It’s where I do the majority of my food buying.

In my early 20s, I spent a couple of years being an organic produce farmer and studying massage therapy and herbal medicine. I have dealt with a number of health issues throughout my life and food has been, and continues to be, my most potent medicine.

Food is also celebration! In your earlier question about the influence of my cultural background in my life choices, food is an essential a part of this. I was incredibly fortunate that my Mom was an amazing cook, as was my Nana. Coming from their Sicilian heritage, food was a form of love, family connection and celebration. I think this is at the heart of why I am such a foodie!!

Do you have a favorite cuisine or dish that holds a special place in your heart?
My Mom’s chicken soup is still the food that is most dear to my heart. When I make her chicken soup it takes me back to my childhood. For my Mom, food was love and here chicken soup was the embodiment of all that love. It feeds my soul!

Are you a sports enthusiast, and if so, which sports do you follow or participate in?
I was a competing gymnast for much of my early childhood (although I had to quit competing when I was 11 due to health issues) so gymnastics still means a lot to me. I love seeing how gymnastics has grown and evolved and the incredible new levels of skill gymnasts are bringing to the sport. I don’t have as much time as I would like to follow sports or be on a team, but I’m increasingly inspired by the increased respect and visibility of women in sports and the rise in equity and influence of women’s sports teams.

Do you have a favorite sports team or athlete that you passionately support?
Brittney Griner is an athlete that I passionately support. Although I don’t follow a lot of sports, Brittney Griner is an athlete that I am deeply inspired by. I’m moved by the rise of her career, her strength and acuity on the court, her tragic detainment in Russia followed by her return home to her wife and family in the States. I imagine it will be a long road of healing and rebuilding for her to reclaim some of her basketball wizardry, but the strength of her courage and integrity are powerful reminders of how to persevere through incredible adversities and come out on the other side with grace.

What’s your all-time favorite movie, and what about it resonates with you?
Well, it’s been a very long time since I’ve watched it, but I used to watch the Wizard of Oz as a child. I identified with Dorothy – her journey through other lands, making new friends, speaking truth to power and her path towards self discovery. The story is an amazing metaphor for learning how to rely on one’s own inner strength while also working with others to accomplish a goal.

Do you have a preferred movie genre, or do you enjoy exploring a variety of genres?
Although I don’t make the time to watch as many movies as I used to, I enjoy to a variety of genres. Most important to me is a well thought out story with great acting. I am drawn to movies that transcend my reality – especially good fantasy movies or thoughtful science fiction that bends time and reality told through a strong storyline arc and rich character development. Also, I enjoy a good murder mystery.

Can you recall a film that has had a significant influence on your perspective or outlook on life?
I think the Lord of the Rings had a strong influence on my outlook on life. The Lord of the Rings is a quintessential fantasy story based on the JRR Tolkien books. The movie came out in December 2001, only months after 911. It felt like it was a cathartic film for a cathartic time.

In its Earthy, magical way, the Lord of the Rings spoke to the difficulties I was having in coping with the state of the world, the balance of power and the destruction of the environment. It also gave voice to my experiences of feeling like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. I identified with the journey and growth of Frodo’s character from naive innocence to embodying the fullness of their power to confront adversity with love and integrity.

What is your favorite album of all time?
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti – Rock and Blues with Magical Realism. Zeppelin was one of the first bands that I listened to that inspired me to want to be a performing musician. Physical Graffiti has the ability to transport me both deep into my soul and beyond my own world.

Tell us about your latest project
I’ll be releasing my full album: Plenty Of Nothin’ To Do early this March so that will be available on all digital platforms.

I’m also writing new material, starting to collaborate again with my producer, Ken Orsow, and excited about getting back into the studio again.

Also, my band – Jen Ambrose & The Mystics, is gearing up for a new year of shows!

Thank you Daily Convo for inviting me to share some of my experiences and a little bit about my story and for all you do to support independent artists.