Interview: Sandra Mae Lux

Interview: Sandra Mae Lux

How does your cultural background influence your daily life and decision-making?

That’s a good question! I’ve always felt like I’m a medley of a few different cultures. I was born and grew up in a small town outside of Vancouver (Canada), but my parents were immigrants from the Netherlands, so I’ve always felt a bit of both cultures. On top of that, where I grew up was very culturally diverse, so I’ve been lucky to have experienced a wide variety of wonderful cultures. As a Dutch person, I definitely have certain types of food that I love (like drinking black tea with milk twice a day, lots of potatoes, salty licorice, pea soup, etc). In terms of decision-making I clash with myself sometimes being both Dutch and Canadian, because on one hand Dutch people are quite direct, pragmatic and practical, and on the other hand as a Canadian you try to be polite and avoid ever sounding rude or offensive, and take a more circuitous approach to decision making. So it’s been an interesting balance!

What does wellness mean to you, and how do you prioritize it in your daily life?

To me, wellness is a form of self-care. How I prioritize it in my daily life is through taking care and honoring my body and mind as much as I can. This includes eating well, sleeping well, doing things that spark joy, laughing, exercising and making sure to get at least 10 minutes a day that I lay down, close my eyes and just “be.” Self-care really is the highest form of self-love, which is the only way you can truly love all the other people you care about in your life.

Are there specific wellness rituals or practices that you swear by for maintaining balance and harmony?

I think it’s an ever evolving thing. A ritual or practice that I might find really useful today could change tomorrow. There’s nothing that I really “swear by » but I think there are some principles that seem to work for a lot of people. The principles again of eating well, sleeping well, exercising, listening to your body, and making sure to rest when you need it. Building in a set time where you literally do nothing is really helpful.

Describe your relationship with food. Are you a foodie, a health enthusiast, or a bit of both?

I LOVE food! I LOVE eating! The only way I was able to move out of my mom’s house as a musician in one of the most expensive cities in the world (Vancouver), my only option was to live in indentured servitude with a wealthy family. In return for a bedroom, small fridge and a hot plate, I cleaned their house 6 days a week and did the laundry for the entire family (including the male tenant they had living in the room next to mine). As someone who grew up loving food (my mom is a fantastic cook), having only a hotplate to cook with and no oven was torture for me. So I obsessively watched cooking shows, which was really cathartic! It also taught me a lot more about cooking and how even the simplest ingredients put together in the right way at the right time can create a symphony of flavour. I try to eat the rainbow, locally and seasonally, with lots of fresh fruit, vegetables and fiber, but I also make sure to have treats like chips, popcorn, pizza and chocolate. It’s all about balance!

Do you have a favorite cuisine or dish that holds a special place in your heart?

Pasta! I’m not Italian, but what is a more perfect dish than pasta? Every Friday is pasta night here at chez Sandra-Mae, so I like to try out a new recipe every week. If you haven’t seen The Pasta Queen on social media, you should because she’s the real deal! I also have her cookbook that is full of delicious and very authentic pasta recipes. I can’t wait to try them all!

Are you a sports enthusiast, and if so, which sports do you follow or participate in?

I was an incredibly active kid growing up. I was a competitive slalom racer, swimmer, I played soccer, basketball, volleyball and Lacrosse. When I was about 15 I was getting real gigs playing music, so I had to choose between sports or music, because I didn’t have the time to do both. It wasn’t even a competition; I knew music was my path. I don’t participate in any real team sports now, but I do keep active by doing pilates, yoga, and hiit training.

Do you have a favorite sports team or athlete that you passionately support?

Not really, but if the World Cup is on, I’ll definitely watch the finals and cheer on team Holland!

What’s your all-time favorite movie, and what about it resonates with you?

That’s a really tough one! But there are a couple movies that I think are pretty much perfect; Raiders of the Lost Ark, and When Harry Met Sally. I mean – Harrison Ford playing a very handsome and charismatic archaeologist, plus a whole bunch of adventure, mystery, some “woo-woo” stuff AND romance – how can you go wrong? Plus that incredible John Williams score!
And When Harry Met Sally is just one of the best rom-coms of all time. Again, you can’t go wrong with a Nora Ephron script, and 80’s Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal. And that fabulous Harry Connick Jr. score is just the cherry on top.

Do you have a preferred movie genre, or do you enjoy exploring a variety of genres?

I do love my rom-coms! Good ones are really hard to get right, so I’m always on the hunt for really well written ones. There’s something so satisfying about them too, especially when the actors themselves have great chemistry on screen.
In a good rom-com, you know within the first 10 minutes which two people are going to get together in the end. But the real story is about the journey, and when a writer nails that, it’s magic.

Can you recall a film that has had a significant influence on your perspective or outlook on life?

Seeing Chinatown for the first time was unbelievably traumatic. For me there was a definite “before Chinatown” and “after Chinatown” moment. Up until then, I didn’t know that not all films have a happy ending, and could end in total desolation. I know it sounds pretty negative, but it did really have a big impact on me at the time!
The Preston Sturges film “Sullivan’s Travels” also had a significant impact. The big takeaway for me was that it’s okay to do the little things in life that make someone else’s life just a bit better. You don’t have to be some big movie star, or hugely wealthy person, or make a dramatic film about the trials of life to make a difference. You can just make somebody laugh, and that’s enough. So that film in a way gave me the permission to simply write and record some really great music to share with the world. If I can touch even one person with my music to make their life a tiny bit better, that would be enough.

What is your favorite album of all time?

That’s such a tough one to answer – I have so many albums that made such a huge impact on me! Albums like Getz/Gilberto, Kind of Blue, Cannonball’s Somethin’ Else, all of those Ella Sings Rodgers & Hammerstein, Jerome Kern, Gershwin, Cole Porter albums all made a huge impact on me.
I also absolutely adored Diana Krall’s “Love Scenes” and “When I Look In Your Eyes.” I would say both of those albums are pretty much perfect in every way. Krall is such a phenomenal pianist with a wonderful sultry voice. And on piano, she has incredible swinging feel and tasteful, classy phrasing. With Christian McBride on bass, Russell Mallone on guitar, Tommy LiPuma producing and legendary engineer Al Schmitt recording, there was really no way those albums were going to be any less than exceptional.
Earth, Wind & Fire’s “I Am” album is another one that really inspired me, and when I first heard D’Angelo’s “Voodoo” album, I knew my life would never be the same. Another perfect album from start to finish.

Tell us about your latest project

My latest project is actually a cover song! I have always loved performing cover songs; it’s a way to connect to an audience with something that is already familiar to them. The true joy comes from putting your own authentic spin on that cover, and sharing your spirit through that unique lens.

When I first heard the song “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus on the radio last summer, I had to stop everything and completely listen. The songwriting is so brilliant that it totally inspired me to create a stripped back jazz version of it. This sultry Norah Jones-meets-Sade cover, backed by piano, acoustic bass and minimal percussion, makes for a seductive and intimate exploration of this epic song about empowerment after loss. Have a listen here:

My writing partner and I have also written a whole bunch of new “jazz standard” type songs that are really special. I’ve already recorded half the album with the band and I can’t tell you how excited I am to share it with the world! I’m also playing a lot of sax on the album which has been so much fun. We’ve also written and recorded a folk / singer-songwriter track that is really close to our heart, so that will be released soon.
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