Interview: Buford Pope

Interview: Buford Pope

How does your cultural background influence your daily life and decision-making?

« I can’t provide a definitive answer to that since I perceive it as individuals; even within the same household, people can have completely different opinions. I don’t think my cultural background has had any impact on me ”

What does wellness mean to you, and how do you prioritize it in your daily life?

« I always thought that wellness would reward me. I’m trying to see myself as a garden in bloom, and I’ll be the gardener watering these flowers and clearing away the old weeds. »

Are there specific wellness rituals or practices that you swear by for maintaining balance and harmony?

” When I was a kid, I suffered a lot from lack of sleep, and as my mind is very busy, I really try to catch the sleeping train when it arrives. I’ve tried meditation and mindfulness, but it’s very hard. However, I haven’t given up hope about it yet. »

Describe your relationship with food. Are you a foodie, a health enthusiast, or a bit of both?

” If I weren’t into music, I’d probably be a chef. I find cooking very interesting, and during the last ten years, I’ve switched to semi-vegan. I very seldom eat meat. My relationship with food is very important as I want to know what I eat, so I would describe myself as a health enthusiast. Of course, I have my days eating whatever I want.”

Do you have a favorite cuisine or dish that holds a special place in your heart?

” Favorite dishes change from time to time, and I’m more into picking the best from all the world’s cuisines instead of pinpointing just one. I have spent a lot of time in Spain and really enjoy having many small dishes instead of just one big meal; I refer to their famous tapas. »

Are you a sports enthusiast, and if so, which sports do you follow or participate in?

” I’ve been lifting weights since I was a kid, and to me it’s like a drug, I cannot live without that feeling you get after pumping some Iron. I’ve always enjoyed watching old school boxing, there’s just something about men trying to be the wildest in the ring. I can also find comfort in watching Snooker as it gives me a kind of a calm state of mind ”

Do you have a favorite sports team or athlete that you passionately support?

” In my teens, Mike Tyson emerged, and he made us all flabbergasted ”

What’s your all-time favorite movie, and what about it resonates with you?

” It’s just too challenging to name just one movie, as there are so many that I enjoy watching over and over again. However, I remember many years ago, I was walking the streets without any specific plans and ended up at the theater. They were showing a movie titled ’ Fargo.’ I wasn’t expecting anything and was totally blown away. It’s a tragic story but also extremely funny. I must have seen it 20 times up until today, and from my end, it’s a five-star review. It gave me a sense of hopelessness, and how nice it was not to participate. In the beginning of the movie, they point out that it’s a true story, it’s not; but, it very well could have been ”

Do you have a preferred movie genre, or do you enjoy exploring a variety of genres?

« I’ve always been into movies without too much makeup that explore life in its real way. Sometimes I find it easier to watch a movie based on a true story, but, of course, there are writers out there who can captivate me with a mysterious manuscript. »

Can you recall a film that has had a significant influence on your perspective or outlook on life?

« There are numerous films centered around the concept of being wrongly accused, and that has always captured my attention. It’s probably something we all fear the most, but I can’t identify the most intriguing one in my mind right now.”

What is your favorite album of all time?

” I don’t have a favorite album, but I have a lot of favorite songs ”

Tell us about your latest project

” My latest project differs a bit from previous releases, as I took charge of the production. It’s an album titled ‘A Brand New Leaf.’ It took me some time to finalize it, dealing with various possibilities, which can be both a blessing and a curse. For those interested, I’m currently in the studio working on my next release. ”

Thanks for having me in this interview; I sincerely appreciate your support! »